Monday, February 9, 2009

Skins at DCNY Clothing Co. not walk!!!! DCNY Clothing Co. has started to add to their display of talents by not only producing excellent clothing in SL, but they have developed their very own skin line. Now I am picky about the skins that I like to wear because I model in SL and the skins have to fit the shape that I chose to wear. AND NEED I SAY MORE, but you really need to give these skins a try as I do believe that you will be very surprised when you try this new line of skins. I would love to hear from the skin experts what you think about these new skins, but for me these skins were very nice and there are a lot of make-up variations. AND THE REASON TO RUN AND NOT WALK.........there is a "FREEBIE" Valentine's Day SKIN at DCNY Clothing Co. The skins are on the 2nd floor and the "FREEBIE" is the BIG cannot miss it. Along with the free Valentine's Day skin you will find some marvelous PRIM LASHES. So hurry to DCNY and check out the clothes as well as the new skin line.

Come to DCNY Clothing Co. at The Fashion District of Tampa Bay 115/221/23

1 comment:

  1. Love the freebie and i think the Lelah sking is great! After trying several demos I will go out and get it.. just gotta figure out which!
